who - what - why - how

the about page


Who am I? Who are you? Who are we? I guess the answer to these questions always evolve and change if we dare to go on journeys of questioning and experimentation.

I have been on such a journey. It involved a lot of running, lot of writing and a bit of yoga too. My first blog in 2017 was an outlet to tell some of this journey. I called it Thia-Runner-Writer: I run, I write, I feel, I live.

Since then I have done a lot more running, gone beyond the marathon into the world of ultra and stepped off the tarmac onto the trails and the fells.

But this is really an answer to ‘what’, let me give a proper answer.

I am a regular human being, curious about the meaning of life.
A way, a path, a journey, an experience, an expression.
A question often the best answer.


I am a woman who runs with my dog
I am clothed and civilized

I am also part of a tribe of women who run with the wolves
We are naked and wild

We sweat, we bleed, grow our hair, go bare feet

Naturally and unshamable
Free as the wind uncontainable

We know things
These we have learnt from dust, ashes and mud

The earth and our bodies have stories to tell
Of cycles and rhythms and a life lived well


 I enjoy many different activities in life, some are general necessities like sleeping and eating. Others are the ones we choose because we like them and others yet again are the things that just need to get done like tax returns. Then there are many things we do or ways we behave because we consciously or unconsciously think that we should, but we don’t really know why. Patterns emerge as life unfolds and it is perfectly possible to eventually think that ‘it is what it is’ or ‘we are who we are’ and neither it nor us can be changed.

So WHAT I really enjoy and am about is to ASK QUESTIONS and consider alternative options.

The reason that I really really enjoy this is because this process (which never stops, by the way) has changed my life for the better. One day I’ll write the book, for now there are snippets about this journey in journals and blogs and social media posts. Suffice to say that I was a burnt-out, anxious and unhappy person 12 years ago. I had followed a medical career path that felt all consuming at times. I appeared to be successful and capable outwardly until the wheels came off. They came off, because I essentially did not know how to take care of myself, despite having dedicated myself to a career that seeks to help others. This was only one factor, a big one. I started making changes, I started to move forward and I simply kept going. 

I like to RUN. Most children like to run when they are little. I suppose that part of me never grew up. The running went through many seasons and suffered many things due to the stuff that happens when we lose our childhood. It was the questioning that enabled me to find that childhood part of me that could simply run for the joy of it. Running was a way to nurture my inner child and rediscover an approach to life that is filled with awe and wonder. 

I like to do YOGA, all of it. I like to mix up my yoga practice as I like to mix up my running experiences. Variety is indeed the spice of life! There are so many possibilities on the mat when one goes there to discover and learn, remembering to bring along curiosity, playfulness and humility. 

I totally love a good story and these days I even like my own story. Reading and writing is a big part of the journey too. The process of reflection and articulation is a way of enriching the experiences we have in life. It is easy to rush on to the next thing without properly digesting the thing that has gone before. It takes time to get to know ourselves, accept who we are, discover our options and keep making choices. 

When I was burnt-out and unhappy, I thought I had to change my job. I remembered that I always wanted to be a running coach, but that wasn’t a career option for me. It sort of went with being a teacher and I didn’t become a teacher. As I mentioned earlier, I was moving forward. With forward motion comes possibilities and courage. So since October 2023 I am a RUNNING COACH and I love it! I completed my 300hr Yoga Teacher Training in 2020 and offer yoga teaching alongside run coaching as an option. 

My career as a medical doctor continues in a much more balanced and fulfilling way. I am the mother of a boy who bring me lots of joy and we have one dog, one cat and two chickens that share our home. The chickens stay outside, of course! In 2020 I started growing our own vegetables organically and have learnt heaps about soil and crops and insects and seasons and so forth. It is good to know where our food comes from and that we all depend on the health of the earth to keep thriving. 







Why run?

Apart from all the reasons we carry in our heads and express in words, running is a biological necessity. It is an activity that is essential for our survival! This is not as obvious in our modern society as it was when we were hunter gatherers and could find ourselves in the position of either predator or prey. I guess back then fitness was not a lifestyle choice, it was a simple reality of living.

Nevertheless, I am convinced that running is still essential for our survival. Our biology has not changed since our hunter gatherer days, but our diseases have, for sure. We don’t need to run from lions or tigers, but definitely from our seats and our screens. We need a way to get out of our heads and into our bodies, into our emotions, into our stories. We need to breathe deeply and move freely and question everything. Running is a way, a time and a place for all these things. Much can be discovered and unearthed as we get out and run on the land. All forms of travel on foot is good so walking and hiking are hugely beneficial as well. However, the faster paces of jog through to sprint will give us different sensations and effects. 

So that’s my primary why. It is a biological necessity and therefore a way of me taking care of myself. There is much beyond survival, there is enjoyment, passion, health and wellbeing, fun, community, exploration, fitness, adventure, achievement, play, satisfaction, time alone, time with others, curiosity, the list is endless. It’s simple, it’s available, it’s for everyone!

This is my why for coaching. I am passionate about all the good things running can do for you, wherever you are in your life and whatever your why. There is nothing to lose and so much to gain. Let’s run together and see where the journey takes us!

Why yoga?

It is quite simple really, I went to a class, it was good for me so I kept going. It continued to be good for me so I continued to practice and learn and evolve into a yoga teacher. The journey continues and I feel incredibly lucky to be able to share the gift of yoga with others. Each and every one has to walk their own journey and yet we journey together as well. 



One breath at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time, one question at a time. Together and alone. 

Head over to me coaching page to find out how you can work with me. 

I simply love being outdoors in wild and natural spaces. Whether I am hiking, running, cycling, swimming, skiing, or simply enjoying a few moments of quiet, exploring the great outdoors makes me feel most alive.

I live on the beautiful Gower Peninsula in Wales, UK. It’s a great spot for a trail runner to explore. I started off running as an 8-year old and completed my first half marathon aged 11. By 16, I thought it was all over, due to a catalogue of injuries. However, since moving here in my early forties, I rediscovered running altogether.

Running has been a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It makes the rest of my life easier. I want to share some of the richness that running in the great outdoors brings to my life and hope to inspire you to get out there and to keep moving!

I simply love the outdoors runner on a hill.





A brief history of my running life



Early years



I grew up in Potchefstroom, South Africa, where athletics was a big deal in primary schools. By the age of 10 I was already hooked. I was small, light and fast and got used to winning. By age 11 I ran (and won) my first half marathon. It was 1984 and road running was pretty unregulated back then. The main thing for me was still middle distance athletics and cross country.



My family moved to Stellenbosch, which is a sports and athletics training hub in South Africa, in 1985. Zola Budd moved to Stellenbosch during my high school years. It was very exciting for me to meet her and even have the same coach as her. I was still a little girl with big dreams and no wisdom. I did very well for about two years, winning most races I ran and setting new regional records for my age group. My PB’s for 800m, 1500m (4:45) and 10km (48:36) are all from 1986.



Then things started to change. Overtraining and under eating started to take their toll. This was fuelled by an unbalanced focus on wins and achievements, leading to injury and ill health and unhappiness.



By age 13 I had a double stress fracture in my fibula. At 16 I had debilitating Achilles tendon problems and walked with a limp. Despite training hard (the no pain no gain belief and approach), I did not see the cross country or athletics season through to a peak again. It was demoralising and frustrating and eventually I stopped competing.



The dormant years



Having given up on the dream of being an athlete, I pursued a career in medicine, moved to the UK and became a Consultant anaesthetist in the NHS.



Over the years I never stopped running and even tried out a bit of triathlon! Nevertheless, I carried a sadness with me and even now I sometimes wish I could apply what I know now to my 25 or 30 year old body. Still, running stayed with me and kept me grounded and moving through some pretty tough times and big life challenges.



Ultimately, it is our journey that shapes us, our perspective, philosophy and approach, not only in running, but in all of life. In so many ways, running in all it’s expressions becomes a metaphor for life for me.



I know that you don’t have to win to be a winner!



A new chapter of adventure and discovery



In my early forties (2015) I moved to the Gower Peninsula. It was a time of putting down roots, of new beginnings, of change and hope. The whole process was accelerated by me giving myself permission to run without guilt. Running was my time of enjoyment, peace, reflection and exploration in a busy life with what seemed too many responsibilities.



At that time I was a single mom, my son was 5 years old and I was working a 1 in 7 on-call rota as part of my job. Running was essential! The local running group, Darth Coastal Runners, was in it’s heyday and I had the best time trudging through the mud and trotting along the cliffs with them on Saturday mornings. My time to run was my time to play!



It was at this time that I started a regular yoga practice and I was hooked from the first class. I have since completed my 300hour Yoga Teacher Training and continue to practice regularly.



I haven’t looked back. My passion had been reignited. The sheer joy of running has remained the motivation for doing it over the years. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed winning a few races and setting a new half marathon PB at 45 to beat the one I set at 21! But I have to practice gratitude and celebrate my personal wins to stay on track.



In 2016 I rediscovered the joy of racing. I ran a few cross countries for Swansea Harriers, a trail 10km and a 21km adventure race.



Road marathons



From there I quickly progressed to marathon distance.



  • Rotterdam marathon 2017 3:45 (inexperienced, hit the wall at 34km, walked 3km, managed to get running again)
  • Snowdonia marathon 2017 3:42 (hilly, maintained pace and effort and finished strong)
  • Newport marathon 2018 3:18 (overtrained, exhausted on the start line, missed 3:15 to qualify for London marathon championship place – I managed to get that with a 1:28 half marathon time)
  • London marathon 2019 3:09 (consistent pace and effort start to finish, very pleased)



I was self coached during this time and devoured running books! ‘The Endurance Handbook’ by Dr Phil Maffetone had the biggest impact on how I trained. I healed from overtraining and learnt how to train in a sustainable, healthy way. This approach makes a happy runner!



Trail, mountains and ultra marathons



London marathon did not satisfy me. After all, it is defined by the city environment, an environment that I have pulled away from. I wanted the hills, the wide open spaces and the fresh air! Additionally, I was curious about even longer distances.



In June 2019 I completed Run, Walk, Crawl’s Brecon Beacons Trail Ultra (34miles/54km). I was the second female finisher and thought anything over 50km was to be avoided in future. Time would reveal to me that I had indeed embarked on my ultra marathon journey.



Quite literally, my very next race was the Montane Dragon’s Back Race 2021!!! That’s a whole story in itself. I was in way over my head and did not finish the full 6 days. Nevertheless, I was pretty pleased with finishing 4 full days and learning a whole lot.



It was time for me to be coached, so I signed up with Jen Scotney. With her training plans, support and guidance I completed the 190 mile Northern Traverse in April 2022.



The Dragon’s Back was calling me back to complete unfinished business. I continued to devour running books and had listened through Sean Beardon’s entire ‘Science of Ultra’ podcast. It was time for me to sign up for a coaching certification. The timing of my coaching course with the Lydiard Foundation was perfect aligned with my training for Dragon’s Back Race 2023.



At 5pm on 10 September 2023 I became a Dragon’s Back Race finisher!



My future running life



I am ready and excited to support others on their running journey. Please get in touch via email if you are interested in being coached by me.



There is a long wish list of races, adventures, and challenge that keeps me excited and on the run. In addition, I keep listening, reading, studying, questioning and experimenting to improve my knowledge of running. I want to run in ways that keeps me healthy and happy.



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