How did I get here?
It’s 5am on Monday 4 September, almost time for Dragon’s Back Race 2023. I am waiting for Barney to give me a ride from Llandudno to Conwy Castle. Barney is Peter O’Kane’s cousin. I am very grateful to the O’Kanes for getting me to the start. All the taxis were booked up when I started ringing around the previous Tuesday.
I am one of 298 runners who gather inside Conwy Castle, waiting to set off on the journey south to Cardiff at 6am. Each and every one of us already has a story and our journey to get here. Now we are eager to share this challenge and epic adventure.
My journey started in March 2021 when I watched ‘The Dragon’s Back Race’ film. (If you don’t know what Dragon’s Back Race is, go here). I simply had to do it. There is no rhyme or reason for it. I have been a runner all my life and was looking for a new challenge. My running life has included athletics, cross country, road races (5km to marathon), trail races and one previous trail ultra marathon of 54km in the Brecon Beacons in June 2019. Nobody raced in 2020. This will be a celebration of being let out of lockdown! Sort of making up for lost time???
As a rookie with only 4 short months of specific prep I was in for a wild ride! My life also had more stressors than I have time to mention…. maybe I was trying to run away! Anyhoo, taking all into consideration I was proud of myself to come away from DBR 2021 with four full days completed without timing out and a raging runner’s knee (ITBpain/PFPS) that would take 12 months to fully heal.
I also came away with new friends, a tribe where I feel I belong, incredible memories and a desire to return!
And we are off!
So there I was on 4 September 2023. I felt incredibly lucky, hopeful, excited, terrified and grateful. It was an emotional morning for everyone.
A male voice choir sings us out of the castle. As we move along the city walls, the dawn breaks pink. It is magical. It will be hot later.

Day 1: Dragon’s Back Race 2023
Conwy to Ogwen
The start is always easy. Legs are fresh and spirits are high. It is very easy to go out too fast. I go out with my poles out and with my mouth closed. Nasal breathing is a great pace regulator for me.
The views are spectaculor. I make a point of looking up from time to time to take it in. I do not take any photos, because it takes too much extra time and effort to do that. This is a science of marginal gains, or losses. My focus is on making every marginal gain that I can and as few as possible marginal losses. Breathing in the beauty and the mountain air is more than marginal on the gain scale!
The Carneddau offers a pleasant morning and I don’t rush down Pen Yr Ole Wen as I am well ahead of the guide time to get into the support point at Llyn Ogwen. Bev Tucker and Tim Viner from previous years are on the road side, cheering us on! It’s great to see them. Their cheering does not help my left foot plantar fasciitis though, and I have to hike along the tarmac stretch, whilst wondering what I will do as the tarmac increases as the week progresses.
One step at a time, one day at a time. Anything can happen. Just keep moving. Keep smiling, always. It’s mantra time ever so often.
Ogwen to Pen Y Pass
I stop at the support point briefly. Food, water, loo and go. It is hot now. I remember Tryfan in the heat in 2021 and how sick I felt. This time I will try to avoid that. So far so good.
Care and attention goes to pace, hydration, electrolytes, food. I prefer to fuel with food and call it that. I am not a car. Steadily the miles are munched and I am on the descent to Pen Y Pass. All goes smoothly until I am queuing to buy a cold drink at the youth hostel. I stupidly left my soft flask with water outside and feel faint. The floor beckons and I lie down before I fall or throw up. A kind soul gets me a pepsi and an orange juice. This and the lie down works wonders and I set off again about 20 minutes later.
Pen Y Pass to Gwastadannas
The distance of 12km can be misleading. The home straight is not straight, it is the Snowdon Horseshoe.
First comes Crib Goch. I get to the base of it with Peter O’Kane, Samantha Lloyd and Sanna Duthie. We stick together. It’s dejavu with Sam. This is where we first met on DBR 2021! This year I feel so much better. Peter is well ahead when we get to the ridge. Sam and I stay with a terrified Sanna. Sam leads the way, I tuck in behind Sanna. Steve Chamberlain and Nathan Welch did this for me in 2021.

About halfway along, my stomach starts to cramp. I probably had too much sugar at Pen Y Pass. Luckily Sam has some Rennies at the ready. I fall behind as I burp my way across the rest of Crib Goch.
It’s a relief to have Crib Goch behind me, but I am under no illusions about what still lies ahead. The heat is unrelenting and my water supplies are a bit low. I hope to reach Snowdon summit before five to be able to get water there. It was not to be by about 10 minutes, but another kind runner shares some of his with me.
From there it did feel more like the home stretch. The final descent is not as terrifying or long as I remember. My legs are probably just in better condition. I do the last section with Simon Motley and join him for a dip in the stream before hiking the last kilometer into camp. It’s good to think about building in as much recovery as possible for the next day.
I am elated to be in camp just before 8pm. Now for the camp routine: make bed, change, get dragonmail, eat, stretch and massage if time allows, dishes, teeth, loo, sleep.
Day 2: Dragon’s Back Race 2023
Gwastadannas to Cwm Bychan
I’m off to a good start at 6 am. Today will be hot again, but there will be wind on the summits. I ease into the day with a hike and light jog along the road. On the approach to Cnicht I find Sam Lloyd again. We both had a tough time on day 2 in 2021. We decide to go together as long as our paces match. Progress goes well to the summit for more spectacular views, a bum slide down the other side, then over the Moelwyns and onto the Vale of Ffestiniog. Russell Bentley is out on the track and cheers us on. He finished in second position in 2021. Further along the way we see our tent buddy Margarida Bagao and Victoria passes us, map in hand.
After the water point, there is a long steep tarmac climb, followed by a short forest section and then the section where we both got roasted in 2021. This year it turns into a highlight! We enjoy each other’s company and reach Cwm Bychan almost 2 hours ahead of the cut off time.
The support point is on grass and I take the opportunity to sit on the ground rather than on a chair. This is more restorative for my hips and legs that I am asking so much of this week. After about 25 minutes we are ready to go. The Rhinigodd await.
Cwm Bychan to Dolgellau
The Rhinogs
Sam and I cover good ground whilst chatting away. It’s another warm day, but not as baking and hot as day 1. There is plenty of breeze in places and even more views on higher ground. I fall a bit behind after Llyn Du, but Sam stops for a photo at Rhinog Fawr summit and we descend together. We are moving well until the change to uphill breaks my rhythm. I need to go at my own snails pace again, but get to the top of Rhinog Fach eventually. More views of endless mountains and shimmering seas.

Y Lletr to camp
I continue mostly by myself, passing others, others pass me, it’s all a bit of a friendly blur. I am fully present with my own time and pace in the glorious mountains, savouring the lucky feeling.
A little jog is possible to Diffwys summit trig and back to the descent, which goes surprisingly well. Maybe I am not as bad at descending anymore or just too tired to tense up. On the forest track I see angels. They have set up a bonus refreshment point with water and pepsi, straight from heaven if there is such a place.
On the tarmac section I am in a game of tag with the Bovey brothers. They are great company, upbeat and positive. Peter O’Kane catches me up across the bridge. It’s always good to see his familiar friendly face. We live in the same village on Gower. All this company is a distraction from the plantar fasciitis pain that appears whenever I get off the technical terrain.
Hiking, jogging and chatting we get into camp just after 8pm. There is time for a wash in the river before the rest of camp routine, with only one difference. I had a double torch failure!!! My tent buddies come to the rescue and I’m all set for day 3 before retiring to sleep at about 10pm.
Day 3: Dragon’s Back Race 2023
Dolgellau to Llanllwyda
I wake up tired. It was a fitful night. The pain in my pelvis started last night. Nothing unexpected. There is a faff with my number before I can leave. The wind blew off edition one and I need a new one. 6 minutes.
My foot is on fire and my start is slow. There seems to be endless tarmac. Then finally uneven terrain and by the time I reach Cadair Idris summit all plantar fasciitis pain has vanished. I’m slower than in 2021 and it is hotter. Descending seems to be my stronger suit now and I enjoy it. After leaving the Pony path, I do a good section with Matt, but lose him somewhere. I’ve not seen Sam at all so far.

I take it easy on the descent into and along the baking valley. It’s a quick stop at the water point to refill, eat a bit and cool down by sitting in the little stream.
Llanllwyda to Machynlleth
I chat along with Rachel for a bit in an upbeat hike/jog fashion. Her aim is to reach the support point before cut-off at 16:15 and stop. We need to move steadily. I cannot keep up as we start the ascent towards the steep ascent up Tarren Hendre, where my pace slows again to that of a snail.
On the descent I keep up with Hugh Lovatt. We stay together until he moves ahead on the way up Tarren Y Gesail, a brutally timed out and back in the heat of the day. Watch out, it can mess with your head and it’s messing with mine.
Even though I feel relief with every pain free step downhill to Machynlleth, it seems too far. (It’s where my knee pain came on in 2021). Time is passing too fast. When I reach the bottom I break and sobs escape from me. It is a day of sweat and tears, so far. Ian gives me a hug and company into Machynlleth where I drink pop and eat pasties in an air conditioned shop. It’s quite amazing how much this changes the way I feel! I get to the support point with Megan and Gareth at 15:57.
Why, you have to know why….
The support point is busy. There are lots of hatchlings who have now finished for the day. Many of them are resting in the shade of the tree. Because I prefer to sit on the ground, I find a spot under the tree, rather than under the erected canopies. I look across to those, where people are sorting feet, filling water flasks, getting sprayed to cool down, eating and moving on.
Shall I stay of shall I go? Machynlleth brought me to this place in 2021 as well. I decided then to continue with the ITB pain that came on during the last descent. It was fairly straightforward because I felt energetic. There was also no official hatchling option to choose.
This is different. I am exhausted and conflicted. Luckily I tend to process externally. Those around me have to listen to my reasoning. Getting a ride to the finish, two half days in the heat and finishing in Cardiff is an attractive option. However, I haven’t timed out and I am not injured. Tiredness should be expected. Why am I doing this? Thanks to Ian and Sean (Rowse) I find my why afresh, evolved. It’s fresher than unfinished business from 2021. I am curious and my enquiry is whether I can actually do this thing, this crazy epic adventure called Dragon’s Back Race.
With my goal clear again, I get ready to go. Clean socks and shoes, fill up water, visit the loo and I’m off!
Machynlleth to Ponterwyd
My newly clarified and simplified ‘why’ does not make me any faster. My energy levels continue to fluctuate. At least now I know why. Day 3 is a day of BLOOD, sweat and tears and all I can do is go with the flow and keep smiling as I push on. On the descent into Hengwm Valley I catch up with Russell Mather. He is alway great company so I stay with him as long as I can keep up. The afternoon light is absolutely spectacular and I feel that incredibly lucky feeling again.
As we begin the tussocky ascent towards the dam, my energy levels bottom out again. We have become a band of three with Emily Thompson. If it wasn’t for my poles I would probably have fallen over every other step. Russell heads off piste and somehow I cannot find the confidence to go with him. His route would have saved time and energy, but I was fearful of holding him back or falling behind in the dark when off piste.
On the ascent up Pumlumon Fawr, Emily disappears into the distance ahead of me. I am relieved to see some head torches behind me. Ousmane reaches the summit with me. We decide to run together through the darkness. About a mile from camp his friend and Nathan Welch catches up with us. I fall behind again. Time seems to pass too quickly today and I am definitely moving slowly, hopefully not too slowly. It’s the fastest I can do and I get in at 21:59:51. If it wasn’t for the extra half hour granted due to the extreme heat, this would have been a very close shave with a 10pm cutoff!

Camp admin condensed
The team at the arrival on day three were amazing. Whenever they race their Dragon’s Back, I will be there to cheer them on in whatever way I can! Kirsten and Roessa got me fed and to bed before 11pm. I stayed just there at the finish for at least 30mins. There was nobody behind me for a long time.
First I had my shoes off and my legs up on a chair. I learnt this little recovery tip at breakfast. I also had an ice-cream, followed by two plates of delicious food. No thought of going washing in the river crossed my mind and even dragon mail had to wait for the morning. When I got to my tent, my bed was already made. Thank you Cat Mills!
The chat
Part 1 – Femaleness
We also had a very important chat. Amongst women I could blurt out that I was bleeding at an unexpected time and maybe even for the last time. At 50 that is very possible! My blurtiness about this has made me think. Everyone was always very appreciative for the conversation that could follow and I was definitely not alone. Subsequently, I wonder whether the bleeding should be expected by day 3 on such an event whatever your age as a women who still bleeds. It is a well known fact that extreme exertion impact the menstrual cycle through a change in levels of different hormones. It is maybe a topic still talked about in a less personal and more abstract way.
Ourea events scores full marks for being well prepared! Thank you! There has been a huge increase in female participation since 2021 and whilst we talk about feet and food and admin and bowels and camp admin and everything else, this topic goes a bit under the radar. I ran my first non age category race in 1984. It was a road half marathon and I was 11, pre-pubertal and the first female finisher. On day 3 I was the last finisher, far from the youngest and still surprised by this part of my body, despite 40 year of running. I think we can learn a lot from one another’s experiences and that this is an important conversation to have.
Part 2 – Onwards to Cardiff
Despite getting in before 10pm, I still had reservations about continuing on the full course. Kirsten and Roessa make me promise that I will get up and start on the full course. I felt more like having a lie-in the next morning.
Day 4: Dragon’s Back Race 2023
Ponterwyd to Elan Village Support point
I’m up at 4:10am, 10 minutes later than the previous 2 days. I had hip and pelvis pain in the night that made me cry in my sleep. My tent mates are concerned and also very happy that I made it into camp in time. Tent life was a top part of the journey with top tent mates. I was in FA with Silvia (3rd female finisher), Sam Lloyd (F-V50 champ), Cat Mills, Sanna Duthie, Margarida Bagao, Caru Coetzee (fellow South African) and Laura Briggs. All of us finished in Cardiff, 5 on the full course and 3 on the hatchling course.
Somehow I make it to the starting pen before the course opens. Not sure if I’m fully awake yet, I start out slowly. It feels like a long steep climb, but of course it’s mild compared to the previous days. Mercifully it’s a cooler day, finally!
It’s a rolling tussock, track and tarmac journey to the support point. I can actually run when we get to the runnable bits and jog along for a bit with another fellow South African Shaun. All the South Africans I’ve met live in the UK , like me.
It’s a chatty morning for me and it is lovely to have so many other women runners out on the course! I have chats with Andrea, Philadelphia and Melanie. By the time that I reach the Support Point the day feels rather warm again and a good spray down is very welcome.

This time my visit to the loo gives me a different surprise: A face full of zits! Oh well, nobody said running a 6 day ultra marathon adventure race was going to make anyone pretty. More surprises when a colleague and friend appears. Chris is on his bike for his day off and cheers Peter O’Kane and me along our way. We all live in the same village on Gower peninsula, but never actually run together!
Elan Village to Rhandirmwyn bridge
With the tussocks behind me, it is now mostly tarmac or gravel to camp, with the biggest off-road bit up and down Drygarn Fawr. It’s a really good day and I enjoy the afternoon as the sky remains clear and the views remain huge.

I spend a lot of time by myself and have memories from 2021 playing through my mind as I pass through the landscape. This was my swan song in 2021 with quite a few tears and even more pain. It’s all in my blog about it. I relish the ability to run all the way down hill to camp and arrive at about 19:30 or so.
Evening and night 4
Once again there is ice cream on arrival and I repeat my legs on chair routine. Whilst I’m lying down at the finish, Carmine de Grandis comes along and offers me a song. He is this amazing Italian guy who does ultra marathons with an accordion on his back! He smashed the Hatchling course and brought much joy to everyone with his music and his beautiful voice. I get a lovely Italian song about a funicular. There are non of those in the Welsh mountains so we have to keep climbing!
There is a pub across the bridge. Today it’s too far and there is too little time. I opt for a wash in the river. The water is really cold and the midges are out. They get inside my clothes! As I am being slightly eaten, I head off for a delicious meal, dragon mail and a bit of unwinding. My dragon mail is much reduced compared to day 3. The day 3 strip of dragon mail brought a tear to my eye when I read it on the morning of day 4. Every word of encouragement really means a lot and makes a difference, especially when the day was long.
I’m tucked up in bed at 10pm. But rather than sleep occurring, the burning hip and pelvic pain is back, worse than before. I crawl out of the tent and take myself to see the medics.
Between Flick the medic and Laura the physio, I am practically healed by morning. They did a miracle with a pain killer that packed a punch and some k-tape. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Day 5 : Dragon’s Back Race 2023
Rhandirmwyn bridge to A4067 Support point
Day 5 dawns. It is a big one. It is my home turf. I know these hills and I absolutely love running on them! Additionally, I am not going home today and I feel amazing. All through the morning routine I struggle to contain my emotions. I think my endorphin levels are off the scale. How is this possible? I have no blisters, my muscles are not desperately stiff, my feet are hardly swollen and I had 5 hours solid sleep. All of this makes me feel so happy that I want to cry!
I leave with the first group out of camp. We have ten miles of mostly tarmac to get to Llandovery and the bakery on the corner. It is another perfectly hot day that unfolds and I make the most of the cool morning hours. Snails pace will happen later, for sure, on account of the heat.

I run or hike mostly with Sally, Hayley and Peter to the bakery where I pick up a cold sugary pop and two croissants before carrying straight on. There is a long undulating tarmac section before we turn off up and over a small hill, through a small forest and then along Usk reservoir dam wall. It is a perfect day to spend by the water, or better still, in the water. The surface of the reservoir is a perfect mirror in the late morning sun.

On top of the world
I continue to feel amazing as I start the ascent towards Fan Brycheiniog. There is zero air movement. We are in an oven. I slow down, sip water regularly and duly take two salt tablets every hour. It is glorious along the top with expansive views, a slight breeze and runnable underfoot.
On the way down the steep steps to Llyn Y Fan Fawr my whole being is in song. Day 5 was the first day I missed in 2021. I’ve been looking forward to day 5 for 2 years and could not have imagined that I would feel this good. It literally feels like day 1-4 was the training, today is THE DAY and day six will be the recovery run to Cardiff.
Down down down the grassy slopes. Even with ‘slightly’ shredded quads this is still fun. There is a gushing stream in the valley for a cooling cap dip, then up and over a hump and I reach the support point with about 3 hours till cut-off time! I have a good buffer for what lies ahead in the heat of the day.
A4067 to Pont ar Daf Water point
It is hot and the hill is steep. The route goes straight up Fan Gyhirych in full sunshine. About 200m up I realize my cap is still at the support point. Of all places to forget my cap! I have suncream, it will have to do. I find a speck of shade to sit down and sort it out. Fortune brings along a fellow runner with a spare hat and I am saved! Fan G is one of my favourite Fan’s for the sudden surprise of the summit. One summit done, three to go till the water point.
I run when I can, hike in between and rest when I have to. There is plenty of water for dipping my borrowed hat. In the valley between Fan Nedd and Fan Llia there is the perfect dipping pool right on the route. Bev Tucker is there with her husband and Claire Prosser. I decide to indulge in a full body immersion. It is heavenly! Sam Lloyd passes whilst I am having my swim. She powers up Fan Llia. After day 2 I could never keep up with her again and doubt whether I will catch her up in the afternoon.
I go up Fan Llia rather slowly, but steadily. Up down, up down it goes till the descent off Fan Fawr to Storey Arms and then Pont ar Daf.
Pont ar Daf to Blaen -y-Glyn
The Water point was quiet when I got there. Victoria made the tough decision to pull out there. Her knees were not good. Owen Jackson (20), the youngest participant, is the only other runner there. We set off together, about an hour and 15 minutes before the cut-off time. Owen is less than half my age and I go less than half his speed up the track towards Corn Du and Pen-Y-Fan.

Up and downing continues on the ridge line over Cribyn and Fan y Big. Again, we are a band of women on the hills with Sally Minchella, Margarida Bagao and Martina Poelzelbauer. The sunset behind us is spectacular as we keep moving along the ridge towards Carn Pica. I find it hard not to keep stopping to look back. Margarida calls from ahead of me that there is no time for sunset gazing, we have to keep moving.
Earlier in the day I imagine getting into camp before dark. This will not become reality. I get my head torch out for the final descent of the day. It’s steep and then slippery. I earn a muddy bottom before reaching the Caerfanell Valley. This little valley is hardly runnable in daylight, so I decide to mostly hike the rest of the way into camp, feeling satisfied with day 5 and optimistic for day 6.
Day 6: Montane Dragon’s Back Race 2023
Blaen-y-Glyn to Trelewis support point
Dry bag packing is swift. I just want to get this done! The day’s course is easy compared to the previous 5 days. Nevertheless, I stop myself from celebrating early. There are still 63km and 1300m elevation gain to cover and how the body will feel is completely unknown until the moment.

I follow the strategy that got me this far. Leave camp at 6 am. Remember: One step at a time, one day at a time. Anything can happen. Just keep moving. Keep smiling, always.
It is another glorious morning. The sunrise is pink and behind me. I stop for a moment to take it in. The route takes us along the hilltops, above the cloud inversions that lie in the valleys below. Part of me envy the life of sheep. They can just hang out on the hills day in and day out.
A lot of the course is on tarmac along the Taff trail. It’s easy to jog , shuffle or hike along. Merthyr Tydfil Park run is in full swing as I run along that section of the trail. Most of the park runners are properly running and none of them had poles, obviously.
There are wild strawberries and blackberries along the way. They make small delicious snacks. I can still stomach the food I packed for the trail, but only the savoury stuff, the apple each day, the macadamias and the dried bit of mango. I’ve struggled with the bars, whatever they were, from day 1.
I make it into the support point in Trelewis in good time. There was an adventure section that included bashing through ferns and almost getting lost on a hill. The spray down with cold water is definitely my favourite part of the stop. I keep the stop brief, because I think my whole body will seize up to finally make me stop doing this!
Trelewis to Groes Wen water point
More tarmac, a couple of hills and then a little jog down to the water point. It’s a pleasant day with lots of brief chit chats as I go along. I am enjoying my own company and have reached a zen-like place, I think.
There is nothing to do except be in the moment. There is nothing to think about. All that remains, is presence with what is, with many sensations in each moment in each layer of my being. The sensation that occupied my mind and drew my attention for the weeks leading up to this week and earlier in the race is completely gone. It occurs to me that Dragon’s Back Race appears to have cured my plantar fasciitis! Time will tell.
The water point offers some magic. There are ice lollies! I now know it was gifted by a runner who had to retire, but stuck with the race to cheer everyone else on. What a hero! I have the most delicious lime ice lolly that I will eat in my life. It can only taste this good at this stage of Dragon’s Back Race. Wow!!
Groes Wen water point to Cardiff Castle
Onwards, with only 16 km to go, apparently. It’s mostly downhill to rejoin the Taff trail in Cardiff. This section brings back memories of a different chapter in my life. I used to live right on the Taff trail and did lots of jogging and cycling along this section. It also brings the surprise of a good friend waiting on the route to cheer me on. It really lifts me to see them. The end is so close now, but not in sight. It feels like a long way and when I had done 63 km there are still three more to go!
I think I’m done running at this point so decide to just hike it in and savour the final stretch of epic adventure. Sam Lloyd jogs up along me and we hike together for a bit. I tell her that I’m hiking it in before she jogs on. I would actually love to pick up a jog with her, but I am simply spent of something. It might have been energy or will power or both.
The city is so busy with people all around. I look forward to reaching Cardiff castle, but I am somehow already missing the remoteness of the mountains. Then I am there. I stop for a moment to gather myself before jogging the last little bit in the castle to the finish line.
The finish
My son Matthew is there with his good friend Tom. His face is beaming and he runs alongside to meet me at the finish. Andrea finished just before me and grabs me for a hug. After some quick photos are taken, I rush off to see Matthew. I am so grateful to my good friend and running buddy Sally (Tom’s mom) who came to the castle and brought Matthew as well. Another close friend, Michelle, stayed with Matthew during the week. She is also there with her husband Richard. It was the two of them on the Taff trail earlier. I am immensely grateful for this incredible support from friends.

There are lots of other runners from the week at the finish. It’s almost overwhelming. We find a quiet spot in the shade to sit down. My dear friends get me drinks and food.
Whilst waiting for the presentation a bit later on, I sit next to a runner I never met during the week. He is called Hugh. When I asked him whether he did the full course and whether he had a good week, he answers yes and yes. He also enquires about my week. Next thing he gets up to receive the winning prize!!!!
I am still catching up with all that happened that marvellous week and I love it. Dragon’s Back Race is both an individual and a collective journey and I will always feel lucky to be a part of it.
Thank you to everyone who sent me dragon mail and other messages. Thank you for the messages after the event from those who couldn’t find me or was confused about my participation or not. It’s another female thing of too many surnames. In my case the first name has been an issue all my life. My official name is Catherina Rennie, but I’ve always been known as Thia Malan. Go figure! Truth is, I am one and the same person and I did it!
6 days, 380km, 17400m elevation gain. 80h47mins
64th out of 89 finishers on the full course (298 were on the start line).
I will write another blog to compare and contrast 2021 and 2023. I most definitely did things differently in 2023 and want to share this in case someone else can benefit from my 2021 mistakes (there were many) without having to make them.
Spoiler: Not looking at the results board in the evening was strategic. It required more time on my feet!
Thia, ek het nie woorde nie. Wat ‘n ongelooflike prestasie! Wat ‘n ervaring! Ek is skoon aangedaan. Net die feit dat nie eens 30% van die deelnemers hierdie eindelose bergmarathon kon voltooi nie, sê al so baie.
Kyk tog mooi na jouself! Ek is baie beïndruk met jou ongelooflike deursettingsvermoë. Die terrein lyk skrikwekkend uitdagend. Maar ek sien dat jy glimlag …
Baie liefde,
Oom Gustav en Tannie Lili.
Oom Gus en Tannie Lili,
Baie dankie dat julle die tyd geneem het om my blog te lees en ook vir julle terugvoer. Dit beteken vir my baie! Ek het die afgelope paar jaar ongelooklik baie geleer oor hoe om voor te berei, die resies te voltooi en die herstel te beplan. My herstel na die Dragon’s Back is BAIE vinniger as na Newport marathon wat ek in 2018 gehardloop het. As mens jou eie ritmes en spoed, sterkpunte en swakker areas ken en daarmee werk is amper enigiets moontlik. Ek is so bly dat ek hierdie keer in die 29% was. Ek het my deel aan die ander kant van die statistiek gedoen in 2021 en BAIE geleer.
Ek hoop dit gaan goed met julle. Ek hoor van my Ma dat oom Gus nog aktief is op die water.
Baie liefde,
Well done Thia, fantastic achievement, interesting blog🙏👏
Thank you so much Angela. Thank you also for taking the time to read my blog! I hope to get around to writing another one.
Awesome Thia!
So worth reading
Sal vir altyd trots wees op hierdie ongelooflike ding wat jy gedoen het
Baie dankie Nini! Die blog het my nog langer geneem om te skryf as die marathon! Nou soek ek vir die volgende uitdaging…