I can help you achieve your running goals, whatever they are.

With 40 years of running experience behind me, I’ve had plenty of time to learn and grow. I’ve discovered what works after discovering what doesn’t work, read loads of books, tried different approaches and got myself qualified! My running experience includes athletics, cross country, road races (5km to marathon), trail running and ultra marathons. My training experience includes club running, self-coached running, 1:1 coaching.

I have learnt to take nothing for granted and to keep asking questions in order to learn and grow. You can read more about my running journey on my about page.

Coaching for runners. Runner reaching a trig point.
‘Run to the top’ with training based on Lydiard principles

Coaching certification

Lydiard Foundation Level 2 Certification
Lydiard Foundation Level 3 Certification (advanced) currently in progress.

1:1 Personalised coaching

  • In person or online
  • Training Peaks (optional)
  • Personalised training plans
  • Monthly online/in person meeting
  • Weekly training review
  • Email/message support – unlimited
  • Mindset advice
  • Injury prevention advice
  • Race specific preparation and support

Before you decide to sign up, we will have a meeting to discover whether what I offer is what you are looking for.

Your training plan is specific to you and will take all aspects of your life, including other forms of exercise, into consideration. The ongoing feedback you provide will be key information for writing your training plans as you progress.

I can offer advice and instruction on how to use yoga to support your running if this is of interest to you. Yoga has been of great benefit in my own life and running. I completed my 300hr Yoga Teacher certification in 2020.

Training plans based on the Lydiard principles will build your fitness on a broad aerobic base and then follow sequential development to bring you to peak performance for your chosen race or event. It is also called a training pyramid. Typically, a pyramid takes 24-26 weeks. I therefore recommend signing up for 6 months. Minimum term is 3 months.

Package price is £75 per month.
Current introductory offer of £60 per month for first 10 athletes.

Family packages

My Dad was my biggest support when I was younger. He just got it and never questioned why I wanted and needed to run. My son is now my biggest supporter. He is a keen hiker and enjoys the mountains. Running and hiking are ideal activities to pursue as a family. For each adult family member who signs up for coaching, I offer free coaching for the first child and 50% discount for the second child.

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